After five years of distinguished service, Dr. Bruce Voeller has announced that he will resign as co-executive director of the National Gay Task Force effective January 1.

In announcing his decision to leave this post, Voeller exrlained that his experience at NGTF had been anormously exciting and fullfilling, but that he now feit it was time to "rest, write and get on with my personal life. Dr. Voeller stressed that he planned to remain active in the gay movement, continuing speaking engagements around the country. He will be available for special projects and counsel to the board and staff of NGTF.

Voeller has become one of the nation's most prominent spokespeople for gay civil rights since 1971, when he exchanged a career as associate professor of biology at the Rockefeller University in New York in order to devote full time to the gay movement.

Voeller grew up in the small community of Roseburg. Oregon. A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Reed College, he earned his doctorate in developmental and evolutionary biology from Rockefeller in 1961. He was associate professor at Rockefeller when he joined the Gay Activists Alliance, eventually becoming its president. He, along with Dr. Howard Brown and others, founded the National Gay Task Force in

On March 26, 1977 Voeller and O'Leary led the first delegation of gay leaders to the White House for discussions of the gay rights issue with Presidential Assistant Margaret Costanza, an historic and widely publicized meeting which led to a series of further meetings with high officials of the Administration.


Ms. O'Leary, commenting on Voeller's resignation, said: "It will be very difficult to replace Bruce Voeller. He has been an inspiration and a source of enor-

1973, when he became its first WANTED:

executive director.

Since that time he has seen the organization grow from an annual budget of $70,000 to $300,000, a record of growth matched by few civil rights organizations. Membership is now approaching 10.000 and the organization has a solid footing.

As executive director, Dr. Voeller was instrumental in the effort to persuade the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from the mental disorder list in December 1973. He was primarily responsible for arranging for in-

Time to "Rest, write, and get on with my personal life."

troduction of the federal gay rights bill into Congress in 1974 and lobbied intensively for this legislation. Profoundly affected by the women's movement, Voeller advocated and helped to implement a co-equal role for women at NGTF. In 1976, he became co-executive director of NGTF along with Jean O'Leary, with whom he participated in a great many important projects.

mous creativity to this organization. I have never enjoyed working with anyone more than with Bruce, and I am especially appreciative of his commitment to feminism. I will miss him very much as my other half in this team. I am thankful that his advice and counsel will remain with us in the coming years." Ms. O'Leary, who will remain in her post as coexecutive director, will be involved in the search for a replacement for Dr. Voeller, together with the NGTF board of directors.

Speaking for the NGTF board, co-chairpersons Kay Whitlock and Charles Brydon said, "We I wish to express our profound gratitude and love to Dr. Voeller for the devotion and leadership he has given to NGTF and the gay movement. We know that Bruce's service is much more than a summation of NGTF accomplishment -those of us who have worked closely with him appreciate the countless thousands of hours he devoted behind the scenes, his thorough attention to detail. There is no adequate way to express our respect for his work and our appreciation, both personal and organizational, for what he has given us. We wish him our very best, and we are confident that he will continue to enjoy success in his future endeavors."


The National Gay Task Force is seeking applicants for the position of Co-Executive Director to replace Dr. Bruce Voeller, who has announced his resignation effective January 1. Persons wishing to be considered for this position are encouraged to submit their resumes c/o The Search Committee, NGTF, 80 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10011, no later than December 1.

Jean O'Leary, who has served as Co-Executive Director with Dr. Voeller since 1976, will remain in her post. The Co-Executive Directors are responsible for the overall administration, fundraising and development of NGTF and its state offices. They are presiding officers of the executive and administrative work of the organization and are chief liaison to other organizations and institutions. Candidates must have a strong background in the feminist and gay civil rights movements and must have a proven ability in managing a growing staff of 14 and a budget of $350 thousand. Verbal ability, media experience and the ability to serve as an effective spokesperson for the organization are also important.

The starting salary is $17,000 with a liberal benefits package.



Register by Nov. 19th so that


date can be set




1014 E. 63rd St

Dear Andy:


super people, and very I'm in my mid-twenties and mature...likewise, I have met have only recently come out of men in their 50's who are not the closet. I have also remained nearly as mature as some men in celebate up to now. I've put off their early 20's. Your choice of sex until now because I have friends, as well as whatever else, been fat. Now that I have slimmust be on an individual basis. med down, I'm nervous about Perhaps, you will be one of approaching men my age, or the very few people who have older, who have had years of your very first sexual experience experience. Do you recommend with the love of your life, and that I get involved with a much never look at another man...but younger, less experienced really, how realistic is this? I'm crowd? I hesitate, because I am sure you don't want to get hurt, mentally more mature than a lot but try to remember that there is of those boys in that younger the possibility that the person crowd. I'm concerned because I you choose to have your first addon't want to get hurt. venture with, ray very well look at you as very nice and great fun...but not as the love of his life...you, too, could be just experimenting to see "what it's like"....so don't expect more than you give. If you are truly looking for the ideal MR. RIGHT, your first time out...do preface your encounter with hours and hours of discussion with this person, if you are really putting more into this than just sexual discovery on your part. Try to see that MR. RIGHT is really in the market for a long term relationship...if that is truly what


Dear Confused: Your concern is one that every one of us has faced at some time in our growth...I think it is called," coming to grips with yourself." The dilemma that you face is already partially answered by your description of the maturity of the crowd of your own age, which is often very true. You, obviously, have a value system that you wish to adhere to, so do just that, but don't put age restrictions on maturity! I have met many young men in your age group that are you want.

Pickwood Lounge


11633 Clifton, Cleveland 6:00 2:30 daily except Sunday


By Ruthanne Seaman

A Montgomery County grand jury indicted Kenneth W. Worley, co-owner of the Mail Boxx Bar, for murder in the September 27 of Robert S. shooting Moosberger.

Worley is charged with shooting Moosberger when Moosberger refused to obey Worley's order to leave the bar. Moosberger had been banned from the bar for previous antisocial behavior. Due to these circumstances, the Mail Boxx I will be closed indefinitely.

Dayton Gay Center and the Dayton Gay Rights Coalition will be having some interesting programs and events in November. From election news to nostalgic films, to an oldfashioned hayria, you'll find something to interest you. Since the Ohio Gay Rights Coalition meeting will be in Bowling

Green this month, Dayton Gay Rights Coalition will be traveling there on the 12th. Call the Gay Center 513-228-4875 for details of the upcoming events.

Lesbians United is going all out to keep you busy this month. We've got a Dyke Hike, a dinner, a coffeehouse and much more coming up in November and December. Remember when ...? A great slumber party! 45's, curlers and flannel nightgowns, will bring back memories for a lot of us. Call us to find out details. We still meet Sunday evenings at 6:00 p.m. at the Womens Center. (The Womens Center has relocated to 1060 Salem Avenue in the South wing of St. Andrew Episcopal Church.) Call the Womens Center at 513-276-3555 or Ruthanne at 513-277-3050 for more information. We hope to see you there. All lesbians are welcome!